GENEALOGICAL QUESTIONS - (See the following)


  • Who are the people in the top row of the Home page of this website?  Were they Quaifes and/or Wickendens?

  • Who were the father and mother of James Wickenden, said to be born about 1738, perhaps in Strood, near Rochester, Kent, England?  Ken Watson and Thomas Howard Wickenden II would like to trace their ancestry past this James Wickenden. - However, see the recent article on Possible Pathway for Aaron Wickenden on the Pathways to Cowden page of the Wickenden History section for a possible answer to this question.

  • Which branch(es) of the Wickenden family can trace their line(s) back to Cowden, Kent, England?

  • What was the relationship of the Quaifes to the Huguenots of France and the Consauls to the Huguenots of Spain or their predecessors?

  • How did Emmanuel Gonsales sail his own ship to America?- See the recent addition to the Ida Consaul section of the Wickenden Family Wikitree for more information on this ancestor.

  • Is the Consaul family (also known as Consaulus and Gunsaulus)  of Schenectady, NY, and Toledo, Ohio, related to other families with similar names, such as Gunsallus, which is common in central Pennsylvania? 

  • How did the "Consaul Street" in Schenectady, NY, and in Toledo, OH, obtain their names?  How did "Wickenden Street" in Providence, RI, obtain its name?  What other streets and landmarks across the USA have names related to the Wickenden families?

Who are the people in the top row of the Home page of this website?

Who are the people in the top row of the Home page of this website?  Were they Quaifes and/or Wickendens?
  • DATE OF PHOTOGRAPH - Since Thomas Howard Wickenden, the baby in Ida's lap, was born in late May, 1888, the photo was likely taken in the fall of 1888, when Thomas was three or four months old.
  • TOP ROW - 
    •  The woman at the left, is most likely either Jennie or Jessie, one of the twin sisters of Ida.  She has the same wide eyes that ida has.
    • For the purpose of arranging the couples, her twin sister may be on the extreme right hand side.  Although we can't see her eyes well, she has a similar face with a soft chin and the same hair style.  The second woman on the left has a stronger chin, her eyes slant sightly down at the corners, she is a bit shorter than the twins and most importantly, she has a different dress.  The women on the two ends are about the same size and each has the same dress with the black satin ruffles running down the front.
    • It may be that the next couple is James, Roberts son, standing next to his wife on his right.   He is leaning toward the woman who might be his wife.  The two girls in the front row may be theirs.  The one on the left resembles her mother while the one on the right resembles her father.
    • In the center of the line are John, father of Bessie, and his wife to his right (left as we look at the picture). She is turned toward her husband, to indicate their relationship and almost form a family grouping with her father-in-law and daughter, Bess, standing with her Grandfather.
    • Who are the next two, a woman and man.  Are they a couple? The woman is quite stylish, with a close fitting black cress
    • Candidates for the man would include Frank Consaul, Ida's younger brother, who would have been 20.  He would not marry Cora until three year's later, and even if they were formally engaged, it is unlikely that she would participate in a family picture.  The woman might be a daughter of Rev. Robert Quaife, although she doesn't seem to resemble either brother or her mother directly below.  Another candidate for the man would be Samuel Jarrett, a brother of Robert Quaife's wife, Aunt Sarah.  The women would then be his wife. Samuel was a builder and had constructed the House at 602 Starr Avenue in 1886, two years before, so he had close ties to Thomas Rogers and Ida, and as a relative of Aunt Sarah, he would give each of the principles in the photo (Charlotte, Thomas Rogers and Ida, Robert and Sarah, a relative in the picture. They are also positioned directly behind Sarah.  That would mean that except for the twins, the top row consists of the Rev. Robert Quaife's two sons and his son-in-law and their wives (with children below).
    • This couple might also have been Robert John Wickenden and his wife Ada, only they do not resemble family photographs and according to Robert's diary, they were living in France, doing business in Paris and exploring life in Auvers at this time.  So, Samuel Jarrett and his wife are the most likely candidates to date.
  • MIDDLE ROW - Unknown boy is wearing a dress, so is probably a girl, and if the couple standing above Rev. Robert Quaife is his son John and daughter in law, this is probably their daughter Bess. 
  • FRONT ROW - Lottie would have been 8 years old, William 6, and his sister above him would have been 2.



  • The first geographical question is: WHERE WAS WICKENDEN?

See the page on Wickendens of Cowden for one answer to this question!

HISTORICAL QUESTIONS (see the following):

The following questions concern the history of the Wickendens:

Did the Hwicce live in Germany and move to what is now Denmark?

Did the Hwicce travel with the Angles and other Germanic tribes to the coast of the North Sea and up into what is now Denmark?
  • What forces encouraged them to move?
  • Why did they move away from the coast?

Were the Hwicce a clan of Angles?

Were the Hwicce, who established the Kingdom of Hwicce, a clan of Angles who were originally located in central Germany?
  • Were the Hwicce a clan of Angles?
  • When were the Hwicce identified as a separate clan?
  • What evidence is there of Wick names in central Germany, such as Wickenburg?
  • What is the meaning or origin of the name Wick and the spelling Hwicce?

Did the Hwicce sail down the coast and across the Channel to Britain?

Did the Hwicce sail down the coast and across the Channel to Britain with the first Saxons as mercenaries and then settle land along the south shore of the Thames in Kent, beginning in Thanet?
  • What does the story in the poem Beowulf indicate about this?
  • What do other historical documents indicate about this?

Did many of the Hwicce move up the Thames into the Kingdom of Hwicce?

Did many of the Hwicce move from Thanet, up the Thames, past London, and into what became known as the Kingdom of Hwicce?  That is, what was their path to the Kingdom of Hwicce?
  • Was it through East Anglia?
  • Was it along the Thames and directly west?
  • Was it up from the Isle of Wight?

What historical events might the Hwicce have been involved in?

What historical events might the Hwicce, and the Wickendens, have been involved in or effected by, including:
  • the legendary invasion of Britain and settlement of Thanet led by Hengist and Horsa ?
  • the historic British defensive against the Pics and Scots, led by Vortigern?
  • the historic Anglo-Saxon revolt against the British leader Vortigern resulting in British withdrawal from Kent to London?
  • the historic British defensive against the Anglo-Saxons, led by Ambrosius Aurelianus and/or the legedary King Arthur culminating around 500 at Mons Badonicus?
  • the historic Anglo-Saxon defeat of the British culminating around 577?
  • the historic visit of St. Augustine to Kent in 597?
  • the revolts of the Kentish men against King Offa of Mercia and his successor  King Cenwulf at the end of the 700's? 
  • the overhrow of Mercia by Egbert of Wessex at Ellendun in 823?
  • the Danish wars that followed?
  • the historic defeat of the English under King Harold II led by William the Conqueror and the Normans at Hastings, Kent, in 1099?

Did some of the Hwicce establish the Wicken den?

Did some of the Hwicce settle past Thanet, on the south shore of the Thames?  Did they drive their animals down the droves into the Forest to establish, settle, and take their name from a “den”?   That is, were the Wicks who drove animals down the drove(s) and established the Wicken Den part of the clan of Hwicce?
  • Were any of the other Den names used for clans of Angles?
  • Were there other Wick place names along the route followed by the Hwicce?
  • Was the “Wickens” homestead in Cowden also settled by the Wicks?
  • What are the other Wick names in the Kingdom of Hwicce and around England?

When and why did some of the Wickendens leave Cowden?

When and why did some Wickendens leave Cowden and then leave England?
  • The Black Death
  • Other problems
  • Emigration trends

Which Wickendens stayed in England?

Which Wickendens stayed in Cowden?
  • Still
  • For how long?
Which Wickendens stayed in England?
  • Where
  • How close to Cowden?
Where in England did Wickendens emigrate from?
  • Rochester?

Where else in the world are Wickendens now located?

Where else in the world are Wickendens now located?
  • In what other countries?
  • When and why did they emigrate?

What effect does this history have on living Wickendens?

What effect does this history have on living Wickendens?
  • How many have participated in DNA testing?
  • How many are included in family trees?
  • How many have visited or participated in the Wickenden Families site?

What should the Wickenden motto be?

There is a Wickenden Coat of Arms.  It does not have a motto in English or or Latin.  Do family members have any suggestions for adding a motto?  What prize should be awarded to the winning entry?

For example, one suggestion would be
"When individuals strive, families survive." The Latin translation of this motto is:
Cum persona contendunt, familiis superesse.

This motto mentions the survival of families, which is the main theme that emerges from this website. It also suggests that the survival of families is due, at least in part, to the striving of the individual members of the family. It is usually the individual Wickendens who are mentioned in historical documents like parish records, wills, and court rolls. But it is the relationship between the individuals and the family that is the key to family history.

One story from my personal Wickenden history is that my great great grandfather, Thomas Wickenden rose to become captain of a three-master schooner sailing out of Rochester, Kent. When his ship was wrecked on New Year's Eve, 1861, and he and all aboard drowned, his wife, Charlotte, proceeded to get a job, give birth to a third child, raise and educate her sons and emigrate with them to Toledo, Ohio. Once there, she saw them all get jobs, marry, and raise their own families. I feel that both Thomas and Charlotte strove to succeed in life, and it was through their courage and sacrifice, that their branch of the Wickenden family survived.

This motto also rhymes in English. The Latin translation has repetitive C's in the first phrase and S's in the second, which alliteration gives it a sense of gravity.

2/6/2021 - There is a tv show that my wife and I like to watch on Masterpiece Theater in America called "Endeavour." It's supposed to be the name of the main character, Endeavour Morse, a British detective living and working in Oxford. I thought this might be a good motto, although not in Latin - the translation is "iugiter annitatur," which means "trying hard always."  However, it looks and probably sounds ugly.  But in English, the motto, a single word, would be both meaningful and impressive sounding.  However, I also read that Endeavour was the name of the ship sailed by the explorer James Cook.  Unfortunately, it was sunk in 1778 during the American revolution leading to the battle of Rhode Island.  On the other hand, it has also been used as the name for many ships and several spaceships, such as the Apollo 15 lunar module (the 4th to land on the Moon) and several on Star Trek as well.

2/15/2021 - Another motto which is the name of one of the moon rockets is "Perseverance."   The Wicken/Wickenden have perservered if nothing else.  And isn't that the secret of life - of evolution? In Latin it would be Perseverantia.

LIVING HISTORY - How have Wickendens around the world survived during the COVID-19 Pandemic?



In the USA, the virus arrived before we knew it, perhaps brought directly from China and indirectly from Europe by Americans returning home from trips abroad. The Trump Administration encouraged the development of a vaccine by drug companies (and approval by the FDA) at "warp speed," but otherwise took no responsibility for coordinating a national response to the public health emergency, leaving all official reaction to the discretion of states and towns. The former president and his administration also favored a quick restart to the economy and therefore criticized efforts by governors and mayors to "flatten the curve" of infection by ordering the wearing of masks, the closing of businesses and schools, limits on the size of parties and meetings, and other forms of lock down to prevent spreading the virus.

As a result, over 500,000 Americans died from COVID during the last year, putting America as the world leader in terms of deaths per capita. This crisis has also revealed that previous disparities in wealth and in health care between rich and poor and between majority and minority populations have increased. Meanwhile, because of efforts such as the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates as low as possible and the Congress to provide monetary relief to businesses and unemployed workers, the stock market has been soaring to record levels.

The new Biden Administration has purchased vaccines, set national goals, developed and implemented distribution plans, and managed a public relations effort to get shots in arms as quickly as possible. However, opinions vary as to whether or not the vaccination rate will outpace the spread of new variants of the virus and, as a result, whether or not the population will undergo a fourth wave of infection. Officials such as Anthony Fauci believe that with the new vaccines, we will get the virus under control and return to a semblance of normality by the end of 2021, probably with some continuation of mask-wearing and social distancing. Even so, questions and concerns about the effect of a "lost year" on school-age children, the long-term effect of the virus on survivors, the date when businesses and schools can reopen safely, and the pace at which the economy will recover remain unanswered.


As of July, it looked like the campaign to vaccinate the public had succeeded to the point where vaccinated people could stop wearing masks and public and private organizations could begin to relax their guidelines. However, with the advent of the Delta Variant, which appears to be far more infections, infection rates began to rise once again, especially among the unvaccinated. Guidelines for mask-wearing and social distancing are once again being implemented. The public reaction has been one of disappointment. However, most are resigned to complying with the renewed guidelines. Some continue to politicize the issue. Those who are unvaccinated are divided between the hesitant and the anti-vacers. It is projected that this new surge in infections will peak in the fall. It remains to be seen whether this will cause a major dip once again in the economy, just as the governmental programs to assist us through the last surge will be ending.