As a result of examining other websites devoted to the study of a family name or a set of related genealogical lines, we became aware of other functions that a family website might provide. Two of these are to establish a location for discussion of research topics and also a place were plans for family-related events such as reunions might be developed. To enable the Wickenden Families website to provide these functions, two additional sections were added.
RESEARCH FORUM - This new section lists an invitation to join and nine research topics that Wickendens might find interesting. Each topic can be developed by submitting a Reply to the topic and to the postings already provided. The original postings describe CURRENT INFORMATION that is already available and where it can be found, as well as RESEARCH NEEDED as a suggestion for further discussion. The type of postings are also suggested, as well as where other information and contributions might be submitted.
PLANNED EVENTS - This new section is envisioned as a potential forum for planning of local, regional, county-wide, continental and world-wide reunions of Wickendens. Other events, perhaps facilitated through the internet, might also be discussed, developed, announced and conducted.
SCOPE AND REACH - It is hoped that these changes to the scope of the website will also assist in efforts to expand its reach to more Wickendens. An email campaign is planned to contact all of those individuals who manage websites that include Wickendens, in order to inform them about the existence of our Wickenden Families website. The thinking is that these are people who are already interested in Wickenden genealogy and who might also find Wickenden family history of interest.