25 Apr


Welcome from the Wickenden Families Website.  You are on the email list for updates like this because of your interest in Wickenden families.  Please share this message and encourage others to subscribe to the website.  However, if you wish to unsubscribe, you can do that at the bottom of this message.

After reviewing several other websites devoted to single family names provided by Ken Watson, it was apparent that the scope and reach of our Wickenden Families website might be increased by adding two new functions.  One is a Research Forum, in which space Wickendens can discuss and post listings regarding research on various topics of interest.  There are currently nine discussion topics plus an invitation to the page.  The other new function is for Planned Events, so that future family gatherings such as reunions, guided tours and webinars might be discussed and scheduled.  Finally, in response to questions from Nigel Wickenden, information on two Wickenden Coats of Arms, including the one used as a heading for this update, is now described in detail on the Why Wickenden? page of the Wickenden History section, with additional questions included in the Research Forum.

Also, new for 2020, a marketing program has been designed to increase exposure of interested Wickendens to the website.  Individuals who are currently managing a family tree that includes Wickendens are invited to review the website and let us know if they would like to contribute to the site or to receive occasional updates as subscribers.  In addition, the Wickenden Wikitree is being expanded to match and add individuals from other Wickenden family trees.  The results of this program will be described in future updates.

Thank you for your interest in the Wickenden Families website, and we hope your 2020 is off to a good start!
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