Early Medieval History of the Wickendens - The picture above shows the front cover of the 35th volume of the journal Mediaevistik. While this picture is not of a Wickenden castle, there are several castles (fortified towns named Wickenburg) established by ancestors of the Wickendens as well as medieval mountain towns (named Wickenberg) and two mountain peaks (named Wicken Berg), all in Germany.
The first article in this volume of Mediaevistik is about some very early history involving ancestors of the Wickendens. The article, "An Anglian Alliance: Place-Name Tracing the Iclingas and the Wicingas," describes the relationship between two tribal groups, the Wicingas (ancestors of the Wickendens) and the Iclingas (ancestors of the Mercians), as they migrated from the Continent across Britain to the Western Midlands. There they established the post-Roman kingdoms of Hwiccia and Mercia. At about the same time, another group of these same Wicingas established the "den" in Cowden, Kent, from which we Wickendens take our name. The article can be accessed through the following URL: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/plg/med/2022/00000035/00000001/art00001?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=email_this&utm_source=email.
Hacking of Editor's Email - Your website editor's email address was hacked last month, and two fake messages were sent out to many of you purporting to be from Thomas Wickenden. One asked for an email response and the other for a gift card. Please disregard these messages! I have since changed my passwords to prevent this from happening again, and I apologize for any confusion, concern or inconvenience this may have caused you.
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